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The welfare of club members and staff is at the heart of everything we do at Bedwas Gymnastics Club.


We treat all welfare matters very seriously and would always encourage all club members and parents/guardians to immediately raise any concerns with a member of staff.


Nerys and Mel are available for all members of the club, including family members and carers. They can be contacted at

Other useful numbers include:


Childline: 0800 1111

NSPC: 0800 500 8000

British Gymnastics Safeguarding & Compliance: 0845 129 7129 (Ext. 2347),





GymMark Accreditation

The GymMark Scheme has been developed by British Gymnastics (BG).  Its purpose is to provide recognition for clubs that are committed to providing quality experiences, encouraging young people to take up a sport, whilst focusing on improving their talent and maintaining lifelong participation in sport.  


GymMark Club Accreditation is based on 5 modules of best practice:

  1. Development

  2. Training and Events Programme

  3. Duty of Care and Child Protection

  4. Sports Equity and Ethics

  5. Administration


What does it mean for Bedwas Gymnastics Club?


Gaining GymMark accreditation means that Bedwas Gymnastics Club is recognised by the British Gymnastics Association and their partners as a safe, effective and child-friendly club, providing a service in the community that children and young people, their parents/carers and others with a passion for Gymnastics can trust.

Link to British Gymnastcs Association SafeGuarding pages


We have members with severe nut allergies. It is very important that no nuts, peanuts, nut spreads or similar enter the building. Not even in sealed packets or kept in bags. Many thanks for your cooperation.


© Bedwas Gymnastics Club

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Link to the Welsh Gymnastics website
© Copyright Bedwas Gymnastic Club
Bedwas Gymnastics is proud to be officially accredited as safe, effective & child friendly
Link to Sports Wales website
Link to Easy Fund Raising website

Bedwas Gymnastics Club is a Community Incorporated Company, a social enterprise that aims to use profits and assets for the public good.

Link to Caerphilly Sports Site
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